123GP Briefing Paper on proposals to improve access to GP practice-based ...
PPR Submission to the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons ...
PPR's Input to the Call for Evidence for a new 15-year Housing ...
Briefing Paper: Children in the asylum system in Northern Ireland
Paige Jennings
Written Submission from PPR & New Script for Mental Health to ...
Sara Boyce
Submission from New Script for Mental Health & PPR to the UN ...
Community Led Housing in Northern Ireland: Take back the city
Town and Country Planning Association
1. Historical Maps: Mackie's Design Review
Matthew Lloyd Architects
2. Existing Site Analysis: Mackie's Design Review
3. Proposed Design: Mackie's Design Review
4. Phase One: Mackie's Design Review
5. Precedent Research: Mackie's Design Review
6. Masterplan Representation: Mackie's Design Review
7. Model Makers: Mackie's Design Review
Mackies: Masterplan Update
Pre Application Consultation Report: Take Back the City Masterplan ...
MW Advocate